

 | brentwood police department


| the buntin group


| cane ridge


| capwealth


| chs lutheran downtown hospital


| clayton homes, waco home center


| courage capital management


| eargo


| ebg


| forrester research


| hca building 4


| heritage high school


| kemp dental


| foundry


| hca tristar health


| hitachi zosen inova


| knoxville utilities board


| greater knoxville dermatology


| hca west florida clinical center


| industrial lobby renovation


| lucent health solutions


| mcminn higher education center


| music city center


| newport academy


| northwest health - la porte


| onedigital


| parallon brentwood commons


| parallon louisville


| peabody plaza


| petra capital partners


| pinnacle financial partners


| the russell hotel


| second harvest food bank


| servpro


| sony music


| southern orthodontic partners


| surgery partners


| tsu health sciences building


| ut zeanah engineering complex


| webb school of knoxville

| CMA + OFS Staks Case Study


| LBMC + OFS Staks Case Study